Eric/Brett....a few things.  First off, it's not shft-ctl it's
ctl-alt.  Also, it's not just the plus key, it's either the plus
or the minus key (scrolls through the available resolutions in
either direction).  Lastly, this only works if you originally
set up for multiple resolutions.


Eric Damron wrote:
> Brett Wolfson wrote:
> >
> > I have installed Mandrake 7.0 with the recomended settings.  It sucessfully
> > detected my video card and monitor, however it set the defult resolution
> > extremely high.  The hardware does not have a problem with this however I
> > do.  All I want to do is change the defult resolution under x-windows.  How
> > do I do that without having to enter a bunch of other settings?
> >
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> They tell me that you should be able to press <control> (or
> shift-control) and the Plus sign.  It has never worked for me.
> What I do is start a shell and then (as the root user) type "setup" (No
> quotes)
> This will bring up the setup utility.  On the list is the X
> Configuration utility.  Run this.  You will have to pick your video card
> and monitor again.  This time when it asks if you want to use the
> default or choose your own default resolution, choose your own.
> Regards.

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