Thanks for your response J.N.  I tried your suggestion but got the same 
"out of environment space.....".  I also restarted in "DOS prompt only" and 
tried it from there but I got "invalid drive" when I typed my CD-ROM drive 
letter.  In Windows Explorer the CD-ROM drive letter is there and shows the 
directories and files.

Any other ideas out there?


At 02:46 AM 01/31/2000 +0000, you wrote:
>I had the same problem.  What you have to do is make
>a lnx4win directory in your windows drive. Next copy
>the lnx4win files from the cd to the win directory.
>Rub the istall from the windows run option.  I had a
>problem with the scripts and typed the commands in
>instead.  After this all went well.
> > I ordered the Mandrake 7.0 CD-ROM disk from the web site.  I am following
> > the directions for installing the Linux for Windows from the install guide
> > on the disk (chapter 5).  I have Windows 98SE installed and all works
> > perfectly.  I have 128mg RAM, more than half my 9.1Gig boot drive free and
> > no other programs are running.
> >
> >  From Windows, I go to the LNX4WIN directory and click on the Install.bat
> > as instructed.  I get the DOS window, I press the space key, I type in the
> > letter of my CD-ROM as directed, and I get the following response:
> >
> > "out of environment space, please insert the right CD-ROM".  Well 
> folks, it
> > IS the right CD-ROM and it IS the correct drive letter but that is as far
> > as I can get.
> >
> > What is going on?  Is there a bug, are there files missing?  Please help.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Bernie
> >

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