On 07-Mar-2000 rassoc wrote:
> Guess I was lucky because I had very little trouble getting my modem to
> work with 7.0 but my luck ran out when I tried to connect to my ISP. I'm
> using pppd. My ISP's tech support supplied all the setup parameters
> needed but that is as far as they would help. When I called to ask for
> help with this question I was told that I could use LINUX if I "had to"
> but they would not support it in any way.
> I connect, I logon to the network and then the error message pops up
> stating that... "The ppd daemon died unexpectedly!".
> The log file lists:
> pppd 2.3.10 started by root uid0
> using interface ppp0
> connect ppp0 <---> /dev/cua1
> lcp: timeout sending config-requests
> "The remote system does not seem to answer to configuration request.
> Contact your provider."
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks!!!
> Lori Rothermel



to /etc/ppp/options

If you are using kppp, enter this in the 'pppd' options field (since kppp
doesn't read 'options')



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