at the lilo prompt type
linux -S
one you get a shell prompt
should be 
type passwd
it will prompt you for a passwd, type in one you would like to use
then retype it when it asks you to verify it.
now when you can reboot and login as root with the password you entered


Κωνσταντίνος Παυλάκος wrote:
> Greetings from Greece.........
> I am really new to Linux . Imagine that I have just completed the
> Mandrake instalation . Well , you are going to laugh with my problem but
> maybe can also help(?)
> During the installation I chose no login or passwords and didn't add any
> users. It's just me at home!
> But after the boot sequence and all that command line screens , just
> before the enviroment is loaded , it prompts for login and password . I
> tried to leave the fields blank but with no result.
> Please if you could save me from this situation!!! (of course I don't
> know any line commands)
> Thanx for your time :-)
  • ... Κωνσταντίνος Παυλάκος
    • ... Ronald J. Yacketta
    • ... twitch
    • ... Tom Berger
    • ... Dave Casper

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