On 07-Mar-2000 Κωνσταντίνος Παυλάκος wrote:
> Greetings from Greece.........
> I am really new to Linux . Imagine that I have just completed the
> Mandrake instalation . Well , you are going to laugh with my problem but
> maybe can also help(?)
> During the installation I chose no login or passwords and didn't add any
> users. It's just me at home!
> But after the boot sequence and all that command line screens , just
> before the enviroment is loaded , it prompts for login and password . I
> tried to leave the fields blank but with no result.
> Please if you could save me from this situation!!! (of course I don't
> know any line commands)
> Thanx for your time :-)

Login: root
Password: hit <ENTER> key

"No fun, no gain"
Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work)
http://www.mandrakeuser.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  • ... Κωνσταντίνος Παυλάκος
    • ... Ronald J. Yacketta
    • ... twitch
    • ... Tom Berger
    • ... Dave Casper

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