Well, it's like the subject says.  I upgraded my system from Mandrake 6.0 to 7.0 last night --> "recommended" option.  It took some time on my P90, but everything appeared to go well.  I tried to access my website and now all I get is URL / not found (Basic 404 error).
After restarting my system Apache wasn't loaded and was failing on a missing /etc/httpd/conf/mime.types.  /etc/httpd/conf/apache_mime.types was present so I cp'd it to ./mime.types and httpd started successfully.
In viewing the error logs it would appear that the root of my server is pointed at /etc/httpd/htdocs when prior to the upgrade it was pointed at /home/httpd/html.  Does any of this make sense?  Your help is greatly appreciated.
Bill Mote

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