Hello Lane,
        First of all i would like to ask you to kindly not pull your punches
and please tell us exactly how you really feel. <g>

        That having been said Lane, if you want to have all those privlages and
the potentually risky situation that it entails.....
        Why not just run as root and ignore all of the opposing opinions?

God Bless,

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Lane Lester wrote:


=I= absolutely =hate= 
        the constant hassle that the user/root distinction              imposes on my 
of my system.

=I've= read all the arguments in favor of this dichotomy

=I= am the one running this system

=I= am willing to take the responsbility for any mistakes               I make

=I= want to be able to do it without any su root nonsense               every time
=I= want to do something!

=I= feel better

=I= ran linuxconf and clicked all the root permissions for              my user
account, but
=I= still get programs telling me, as a user, that
=I= can't do this and that.

original post:

> As the owner/controller/adminstrator/whatever of my desktop system, I absolutely 
>=hate= the constant hassle that the user/root distinction imposes on my use of my 
>system. I've read all the arguments in favor of this dichotomy, but the fact of the 
>matter is that =I= am the one running this system; =I= am willing to take the 
>responsbility for any mistakes I make, and =I= want to be able to do what =I= want to 
>do.  And I want to be able to do it without any su root nonsense every time I want to 
>do something!
> There! Now I feel better... but only if someone will tell me how to grant TOTAL root 
>capability to my user account. I ran linuxconf and clicked all the root permissions 
>for my user account, but I still get programs telling me, as a user, that I can't do 
>this and that.
> --
> Lane
> ____
> Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
> Using Linux to get where I want to go...

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