To all that can help:

My friend and I have been working on his drives to get them properly accessible
but we continue to have problems.  Here is a brief description of our problems:

First he installed mandrake 7.0 on his system with the 2.2.14-15 kernel. 
Everything went very well for him.  His floppy was automatically mounted and
accessible, and his CD-Rom (52X IDE) was also accessible.  Then he purchased an
IDE CDR-RW (Teac 4x8).  He installed the new hardware but Mandrake didnt
recognize it because his kernel was not ScSI emulated so we compiled a new
kernel (2.2.14) and enabled scsi emulation.  So, then his floppy werked great,
his CDROM werked great, and he could use his CDRW, (although his CDRW was not
supermounted)so we felt that all was well.  (we thought)  but during the kernel
compilation we didnt enable sound card support so he didnt have any sound.  He
recompiled the kernel again to enable his sound card and installed his new
kernel.  Then his CDROM, Floppy, or CDRW would not work, could not access any
files on them.  He recompiled his kernel again, but soemthing went wrong and he
ended up having to totally reformat and start from scratch.  When he installed
Mandrake again (clean install) Both CDROM and CDRW were supermounted but again
he couldnt use his floppy, or either of his CdROMs.  So we monkied with the
fstab file with no avail.  Then we recompiled his kernel again with scsi
emulation for his IDE CDRW and installed.  The scsi emulation is enabled and it
detects his CDRW but he can still not access any files on either his CDROM,
CDRW, or his floppy drive.
Now, with all of that said.  I know that there has to be a way to get
everything werking like it should.  We have read man pages and doc pages but
still have yet to be successful.  So, if anyone could give me a few pointers on
what to do (or what not to do) to make this set up werk, I would really
appreciate it.
Hopefully I described everything enough, if you need to know more about this
situation feel free to ask.


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