i personaly dont know etheir but i did come across
some program look in pc mag this months i beleive or
talk to a tech shop i find they usually will give you
a stright answer also you might look in zdnet i have
it now here is two solions both from future system one
is called drive span if your running fat 32 what this
does is take two hard drives and make them into one
the other is drive to drive this is a partioning tool
both canbe down loaded as share ware but becarful of
the drive to drive it crashed my system and the techs
dont know why so talk to them before you use drive to
drive but there are several partioning tools out there
usually they just creat another space in your drive 
let me get back to you on some other software names i
cant find the one i had in mind all so it wouldnt be a
bad idea to back up yor system if you have a cd rom
burner or a jazz drive or store your drive online
there are many free sites theres also a program called
go back that will restore your hard drive after a
crash also some sort of recovery program that recovers
data thats been erased it actually takes alot to
premently remove data from your hard drive it still in
there of course all of this is moot if your running
linux i know nothing adout linux

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