Tom Berger wrote:

> On 08-Mar-2000 rassoc wrote:
> > Tom Berger wrote:
> >
> >> On 07-Mar-2000 rassoc wrote:
> >> > Guess I was lucky because I had very little trouble getting my modem
> >> to
> >> > work with 7.0 but my luck ran out when I tried to connect to my ISP.
> >> I'm
> >> > using pppd. My ISP's tech support supplied all the setup parameters
> >> > needed but that is as far as they would help. When I called to ask
> >> for
> >> > help with this question I was told that I could use LINUX if I "had
> >> to"
> >> > but they would not support it in any way.
> >> >
> >> > I connect, I logon to the network and then the error message pops up
> >>
> >> > stating that... "The ppd daemon died unexpectedly!".
> >> >
> >> > The log file lists:
> >> >
> >> > pppd 2.3.10 started by root uid0
> >> > using interface ppp0
> >> > connect ppp0 <---> /dev/cua1
> >> > lcp: timeout sending config-requests
> >> >
> >> > "The remote system does not seem to answer to configuration request.
> >>
> >> > Contact your provider."
> >> >
> >> > Any suggestions?
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Thanks!!!
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Lori Rothermel
> >>
> >> Add
> >>
> >> noauth
> >>
> >> to /etc/ppp/options
> >>
> >> If you are using kppp, enter this in the 'pppd' options field (since
> >> kppp
> >> doesn't read 'options')
> >>
> >> Regards
> >>
> >> tom
> >>
> >
> > Tom,
> >
> > I added the "noauth" to /etc/ppp/options and in pppd's Accounts
> > Arguments. I also changed the modem speed to 38400 just to be safe.
> >
> > I get:
> >
> > Modem Ready...
> > Dialing ...
> > Connecting To ...
> > Logging on to Network ...
> >
> > Up pops the Error Box stating "The pppd Daemon Died Unexpectedly!"
> >
> > The PPP Log is:
> >
> > pppd 2.3.10 Started by root, uid0
> > Using Interface ppp0
> > Connect ppp0 <--> /dev/cua1
> > Chap Authentication Failed
> > Connection Terminated.
> > Exit.
> >
> > kppp's Diagnosis is "Check that you supplied the correct username and
> > password." I did and they are both correct.
> >
> > Did I enter the "noauth" in the wrong place?
> >
> > Again, thanks!
> >
> > Lori Rothermel
> No, that's a different thing ;-). 'noauth' doesn't require the server of your
> ISP to authenticate itself (most servers won't). CHAP (and PAP) are for the
> authentication of *your* machine to the server.
> In kppp, go to your account entry, mark it and
> click edit. There is a field 'authentication'.
> To which value is this field set?
> Try to set it either to PAP or to CHAP and try connecting with each setting.
> (Try PAP first)
> tom


When I used PAP, I ended up with the following entries in the PPP log:

pppd 2.3.10 started by root, uid 0
using interface ppp0
connect ppp0 <--> /dev/cua1
pap authentication failed  --- another attempt --- lcp timeout sending
connection terminated

The remote system does not seem to answer to configuration request! Contact your

With CHAP:

pppd 2.3.10 started by root, uid 0
using interface ppp0
connect ppp0 <--> /dev/cua1
chap authentication failed   --- another attempt --- lcp terminated by peer
connection terminated

Check that you supplied the correct username and password.

I know that my username and password are correct as I use them to access the net
using one of our Win98 boxes.

I even tried terminal-based. But after entering the username and password I got
the error message that it was "Incorrect Service Type - Username/Password
Incorrect". On several attempts, when the terminal window opened up, the prompts
for username and password never occurred and I the ppp log recorded that the
"serial line is looped back... connection terminated." And on other attempts when
the terminal window opened up, unreadable (garbage) flew across the terminal
screen and ppp log.

Any suggestions?



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