
This weekend I decided to re-install Mandrake 7.0. It was running fine, but I
wanted to experiment with getting system sounds working under Gnome with my
Aureal sound card. Thus, I decided to remove KDE all together and just go with

The good news is that the system sounds work. :)

The bad news is that I ran into MAJOR problems by not installing KDE. I think
its an installation bug.

First, when I installed, I selected Custom, unselected KDE and Apache, and
installed all of the packages. I configured my networking correctly, it went to
try and install crypto and I got an error. No problems, finished the install
and rebooted.

Upon rebooting I got the error:

localhost /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S80postfix: /etc/sysconfig/network: No such file or

I noticed a few other errors as well. Mandrake still loaded, I logged in as
root, ran DrakConf and noticed there were no networking configured. I
configured everything again, tried to activate the changes and was told an
error occured. I checked the logs and saw all sorts of error saying "[: =:
unary operator expected"

I did an init 1/init 5 and still got all sorts of "unary operator expected"
errors, but when I got into Gnome I found that my network is working fine.

I'm still getting all sorts of these errors when I boot, and although
everything works, I'm concerned that something is going to "break." I
reinstalled the OS one more time (with a newly burned 7.02 ISO), selected the
same options, and am still getting the same errors - yet everything works fine.

Any ideas? Thanks...


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