Good one! Thanks!


On 13-Mar-2000 Mike Perry wrote:
> I know this is off topic, but couldn't resist it :-)
> For SW engineers eyes only.
> Windows 2000 Source Code
>  So the secret is disclosed here ...
>  /* Source Code to Windows 2000 */
>  #include "win31.h"
>  #include "win95.h"
>  #include "win98.h"
>  #include "workst~1.h"
>  #include "evenmore.h"
>  #include "oldstuff.h"
>  #include "billrulz.h"
>  #include "monopoly.h"
>  #define INSTALL = HARD
>  char make_prog_look_big[1600000];
> void main()
> {
>       while(!CRASHED)
>       {
>           display_copyright_message();
>           display_bill_rules_message();
>           do_nothing_loop();
>           if (first_time_installation)
>           {
>               make_50_megabyte_swapfile();
>               do_nothing_loop();
>               totally_screw_up_HPFS_file_system();
>               search_and_destroy_the_rest_of_OS/2();
>               make_futile_attempt_to_damage_Linux();
>               disable_Netscape();
>               disable_RealPlayer();
>               disable_Lotus_Products();
>               hang_system();
>           }
>           write_something(anything);
>           display_copyright_message();
>           do_nothing_loop();
>           do_some_stuff();
>           if (still_not_crashed)
>           {
>               display_copyright_message();
>               do_nothing_loop();
>               basically_run_windows_3.1();
>               do_nothing_loop();
>               do_nothing_loop();
>           }
>       }
>       if (detect_cache())
>           disable_cache();
>       if (fast_cpu())
>       {
>           set_wait_states(lots);
>           set_mouse(speed, very_slow);
>           set_mouse(action, jumpy);
>           set_mouse(reaction, sometimes);
>       }
>       /* printf("Welcome to Windows 3.1"); */
>       /* printf("Welcome to Windows 3.11"); */
>       /* printf("Welcome to Windows 95"); */
>       /* printf("Welcome to Windows NT 3.0"); */
>       /* printf("Welcome to Windows 98"); */
>       /* printf("Welcome to Windows NT 4.0"); */
>       printf("Welcome to Windows 2000");
>       if (system_ok())
>           crash(to_dos_prompt)
>       else
>           system_memory = open("a:\swp0001.swp", O_CREATE);
>       while(something)
>       {
>           sleep(5);
>           get_user_input();
>           sleep(5);
>           act_on_user_input();
>           sleep(5);
>       }
>       create_general_protection_fault();
> }
> Michael Perry.
> R&D. Dep. Netafim Magal.
> <<<<Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack>>>>

"No fun, no gain"
Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work), [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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