Well, well, well, others are having problems as well as myself.  Nice to
know I am not the only one!!!  No, I am not happy you are having
problems, just glad I am not alone.  

I have installed Linux/Mandrake Complete 7.0 about 9 different times. 
For one thing to see what happens when you use different methods of
installing.  Well, to make a long story longer, I tried the Lnx4Win
installation and it runs very sssslllloooowww.  Using the Power Quest
BTMagic runs faster but still is not as fast as using 'LILO'.  Also when
you use the BTMagic if you are to uninstall you have to 'Disable' it
before you can remove it by any method, except just the old fashion way
of DEL on the folder.  That is not a good method though.  I used the
Power Quest Partition Magic, and I cannot say enough about how well it
performs there were no problems while I did all of this reinstalling, and
then did my Boot from the CD and installed using 'Custom' and then
'Normal' so I can have a dual boot system.  I had UGH Windows boot as
default for a few times then changed it to Linux.  I have an AMD K6-II
350Meg 3D Sound/w 32meg RAM PCCHIPS PC100 MOBO.  Enough on my CHEAPPYY
CPU.  Back to Linux/Mandrake, I have not had any probs with any of my
installs, except if I left any of the PACKAGES out of the install they
were installed just the same.  The Selection process is of no use, they
install what ever they want.  I have had some FREEZES and had to use the
Old fashion method of regaining control by Pussshhhinngg the RESET button
on the front of the TOWER case.  The last time I did that the 'nfslock'
has FAILED and given me a error of 101 during the Linux install and
booting up process.  Even when running the linuxconf --status or
linuxconf --update all that shows is:

        "/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S60nfslock restart
        *The command takes more than 15 seconds to execute.

Have also looked at the "Service nfslock" and "Pachage Info" which are no
help either.

Have not been able to determine how to reset this function so I loose the
FAILED and reactivate this function. 

Any Ideas?

Thanks for reading this rambling mess and good luck on your systems as


I thought I knew that I knew what I thought
But now I know that what I thought I knew
Isn't what I know I think I thought I knew.

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