Since most of my requests for help have thus far been ignored...a few have
replied and I thank them for their input. ( I wonder if most people have
consigned me to their email bitbucket???)

In NONE of the distro's that I have installed (RH5.0, Slackware, MDK 6.0/7.02)
has the MIC worked.  I know the sound card works as I get the correct sounds
during/after SNDCONFIG.  The MIC remains "red" in the Sound mixer.  Is there a
box I click to enable, or something in the sound setup?  My sound card is
integrated (Cyrix 233 kit board) but recognised as SB compatible.  I know
Linux doesn't like the DialPad.COM  web site, as I guess Linux Nutscrape is
not supported there.  As a side note...has anyone tried and was successful
getting PHONEFREE.COM to work on MDK 7.02?

I have other problems also...but that can wait till I get this one fixed.


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