Dear friends:

I have been using Linux for the past year, Mandrake for the past 6
months, Netscape 4.7 since Mandake 7.0 came out.

This may not be true for others, but it has certainly proved true for

Changing from PS/2 to Serial mouse has made all the difference. While
using PS/2 mouse with Netscape 4.7 on Mandrake 7.0, I experienced
CONSTANT freeezes and lockups on Netscape (and other applications). By
"constant" I would say every ten, fifteen to 30 minutes or so, both in
Navigator and Messenger. I was getting very angry very fast and blamed
it all on Netscape. I might add that I replaced my PS/2 mouse three
times (Micro, Radio Shack, Microsoft compatible). None of that made a
difference so long as I was using it as PS/2 mouse.

Things got so bad that when writing letters, I would have to save my
message as a draft every five minutes for fear of losing it.

Well, at the recommendation of a friend (and with the approval and help
of certain members of our list), I switched to a serial mouse (which in
most cases means the same mouse, anyway, only with an adaptor attached).
I put it on Com1 (ttyS0), while my U. S. Robotics modem sits on Com2
(ttyS1). The list gurus explained that this may put an end to the Plug
and Play IRQ conflict that was causing the mouse (and with it the
application) to lock up. Well, they were absolutely right. Right from
the start, the trouble ended. Netscape has been on the straight and
narrow since then. I know this may sound incredible, but since that
time, about two months ago, I have not had a SINGLE lock-up or freeze or
any nonsense, not even due to Java. I thought of letting you all know
about this then, but I knew that only time and experience would really
prove if this was indeed the case.

Well, it's been over two months, I am on the Internet many hours a day,
I use Netscape 4.7 all the time on the same Mandrake 7.0 and so far it
has not crashed ONCE.

So, if you are having a problem with your mouse (which would have global
impact on XWindows), consider switching to a serial mouse.

Hope I don't end up eating my words.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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