Benjamin.....guess I've not been following this thread.  I
assume that you disabled the ps/2 mouse port in cmos when you
made the change?  The conflict must have been one concerning IRQ
12 which an enabled PS/2 port always takes.  Did you know that
quite a few folks have reported a problem with using a serial
mouse on a system with a ps/2 port.  It seems that DrakX senses
(even a cmos disabled one) the ps/2 port and then the serial
mouse is ignored and then the serial mouse can't be used during
the installation.

And now a plug for my favorite pointing device.  My ps/2
Logitech Trackman Marble Plus has displayed absolutely none of
the problems you describe with your three different ps/2 mice. 
Of course I don't have a pnp card in my machine battling with my
ps/2 mouse controller for the sole use of IRQ 12.  :-)


Benjamin Sher wrote:
> Dear friends:
> I have been using Linux for the past year, Mandrake for the past 6
> months, Netscape 4.7 since Mandake 7.0 came out.
> This may not be true for others, but it has certainly proved true for
> me:
> Changing from PS/2 to Serial mouse has made all the difference. While
> using PS/2 mouse with Netscape 4.7 on Mandrake 7.0, I experienced
> CONSTANT freeezes and lockups on Netscape (and other applications). By
> "constant" I would say every ten, fifteen to 30 minutes or so, both in
> Navigator and Messenger. I was getting very angry very fast and blamed
> it all on Netscape. I might add that I replaced my PS/2 mouse three
> times (Micro, Radio Shack, Microsoft compatible). None of that made a
> difference so long as I was using it as PS/2 mouse.
> Things got so bad that when writing letters, I would have to save my
> message as a draft every five minutes for fear of losing it.
> Well, at the recommendation of a friend (and with the approval and help
> of certain members of our list), I switched to a serial mouse (which in
> most cases means the same mouse, anyway, only with an adaptor attached).
> I put it on Com1 (ttyS0), while my U. S. Robotics modem sits on Com2
> (ttyS1). The list gurus explained that this may put an end to the Plug
> and Play IRQ conflict that was causing the mouse (and with it the
> application) to lock up. Well, they were absolutely right. Right from
> the start, the trouble ended. Netscape has been on the straight and
> narrow since then. I know this may sound incredible, but since that
> time, about two months ago, I have not had a SINGLE lock-up or freeze or
> any nonsense, not even due to Java. I thought of letting you all know
> about this then, but I knew that only time and experience would really
> prove if this was indeed the case.
> Well, it's been over two months, I am on the Internet many hours a day,
> I use Netscape 4.7 all the time on the same Mandrake 7.0 and so far it
> has not crashed ONCE.
> So, if you are having a problem with your mouse (which would have global
> impact on XWindows), consider switching to a serial mouse.
> Hope I don't end up eating my words.
> Yours,
> Benjamin
> --
> Benjamin and Anna Sher
> Sher's Russian Web

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