Dear friends:

Thanks to all the wonderful advice cocerning LInux and Vmware, I was
able to set up a Win3.1 virtual machine in Vmware and install Windows
Media Player 3.0.  As I sadly explained yesterday, TV 6 of Moscow has
chosen to broadcast their LIVE domestic Russian broadcasts on WMP
instead of our beloved RealPlayer. Well, it is a big event for us
Russian scholars, students, faculty and translators.

Configuring my modem as /dev/ttyS1, I was able to immediately connect to
the Internet via Netscape 3.04 on Win3.1/Vmware.

WMP 3.0 is dated July, 1999 and is meant to carry audio AND video
streaming for asf and asx files. My problem is being able to get the URL
in question.

For instance, I can usually first connect to a radio or video station on
RealPlayer and look at the status bar and find the URl address
(pnm://... ram) or whatever. That way, if I know the URL, I can always
type it in the Open Location box and connect that way. For instance, to
listen to Radio Free Europe Live in Russian (24 hours a day), all you
need to know is their URL, which you can get by going to their home page
and then clicking on Live Broadcast. Their URL is:

There must be such an address for TV 6 Moscow ending with asf (or asx).

TV 6 Moscow's home page is:

May I ask one of your kind folks who have dual Linux/Windows boot and
please, if you could,  try to write down the URL for TV 6 of Moscow.
Turn to their second page and you'll find "Live Broadcasting" at the top
right of this page. Click on the TV6 icon and you should  be able to
connect to them with WMP on Win98. 

One very important question: what connection options do they offer: 28k,
56k, ISDN, broadband? Please let me know.

This will give you the live broadcast URL. That's all I need. If WMP 3.0
for Win3.1 can connect, I will be delighted as can be and eternally
grateful to you.

If this experiment fails, I may have no choice but to consider Win98 on
VMware for Linux. I don't like the idea one bit. That's why I am making
this desperate attempt to do it on Win3.1. 

Thanks so very much, folks.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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