On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> Hi!
> This maybe off- topic, but before attacking this guy for sending out such a huge
> mail, we should take the time and think back when we were new in the internet and
> did some things that offended some other people and learned out of it. Nobody
> accesses the internet with knowledge about what to do and what not. Not that I have
> been happy to have this large file into my mailbox - 

I have already accepted that the final comment I made in my initial email was
rather harsh. 

I imagine that the gentleman concerned is grinning from ear to ear at the
thought of his being a beginner. I've got a good memory and he once described
his set-up in a debate about bad language. 

The simple fact is that he has a connection speed that most of us can only
dream about and forgot that most of us need about 4 minutes/mb of file. 

As Denis has acted to reduce future file size it can't happen again. Personally
I only send large files to people by prior agreement and then at the most
economical time. 


John the Nadger



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