Ok no problem.

First bring up kppp via the menu or by typing
kppp in a virtual terminal.

Then click on setup, and a new window should
pop up titled kppp Configuration.

Then click on the New... button and another iwndow
should pop up titled New Acount
then the connection name (you can call this whatever you wish)
and the phone number slot will be there also, fill them
in accordingly.

Then looking up at the top you should see some little
tab-like things, click on IP and then look down and see
that the little radio button has a black dot in it,
Dynamic IP Adress, then click the DNS tab and
leave Domain Name blank, but first put in the
DNS IP Address the first number that you were
given and click the Add button, then do that again
for the second DNS number, and lastly, at the
bottom there is a check box that says 
Disable existing DNS Servers during Connection
click in it to put a tick mark in it, then click the OK
button at the bottom.

Now back to the kppp Configuration window,
Click on the Device tab and click on the little arrow-slot
that says Modem Device, usually I select /dev/ttyS1
then for Flow Control select CRTSCTS,
and for Line Termination select CR
and for connection speed I like 115200 but 57600
is safer for 28.8 and 33.6 connections.

Check the Use Lock File box and pick 60 seconds
for Modem Timeout, if you get disconnected alot
when you try to connect, then make that 120

Now click the Modem tab and I like to pick Busy Wait
0 Seconds just type in the amount you want.

Then I set the modem volume to the middle setting.

Now click the PPP tab

If you chec Dock into Panel on Connect, then
kppp will automatically minimise when connected and
it will stay out of your way until you go down to the 
panel at the bottom of KDE and click the little black
box with the 2 red dots.

If you check Automatic Redial on Disconnect then
if you get booted, the machine will automatically
start to re-connect you.

If you check Show Clock on Caption it will have
the time on the box that pops up when you click
on the little modem symbol at the bottom.

Click Minimise Window on Connect to make kppp
go down to dock when you connect.

Now click OK, and type your username, in the
Login ID slot and then your password into the
Passwoed slot and click on connect.

Let me know if anything boogers up.

On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] mewed:
> I'm not sure how to check the dns numbers in the kppp.  You may have to walk 
> me through this...I am fairly new to Linux and fairly new to computers (owned 
> one for 2 years). 
> -Chris 
> In a message dated 03/19/2000 4:37:57 PM Central Standard Time, 
> > the freewwweb service does not require the windows
> >  software, all I did was to put the correct dns numbers
> >  in kppp where they belong (ask me if you don't quite know)
> >  and then *make sure* that the browser that your using
> >  has "home page" set to http://home.freewwweb.com
> >  and that should continue to work.
> >  
> >  
> >  On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] mewed:
> >  > I checked this out...I am currently using Winblows '95 and AOL to dial 
> >  > up...When I went there it asked me what type of OP, and didn't have 
> > anything 
> >  > listed for Mandrake...Will downloading this software work under Linux?  
> >  > 
> >  > -Chris 
> >  > 
> >  > 
> >  > In a message dated 03/16/2000 4:21:42 PM Central Standard Time, 
> >  > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >  > 
> >  > > http://www.freewwweb.com
> >  > >  
> >  > >  --- KM Linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  > >  > Hi there gang:
> >  > >  > 
> >  > >  > Does anyone know of a free ISP for Linux? I have a
> >  > >  > friend who wants to connect
> >  > >  > but it on disability and can't afford an ISP.
> >  > >  >
> >  -- 
> >  My new linux web servers with Apache
> >  
> >  http://kittypuss.dnydns.org
> >  http://kittypuss.penguinpowered.com
> >  
> >
My new linux web servers with Apache


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