Uhh, haven't been following this thread, but... The standard way to start httpd
is as follows:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start

Other options besides start are: stop, status, restart and reload.

And you might use the System V init editor to start it up every time the PC
boots, but I suggest you do some research on System V bootup if it's new to you.

On Mar 20 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> root wrote:
> > Ok, lets get to my point...Ive installed mandrake linux like a month ago
> > but after I got used to it I started using its server, apache...I typed
> > httpd but when I typed "ps -ef" the two apache processes (nobody
> > <--PID)it says [httpd <defunct>] 5 times
> >
> > and another problem...
> >
> > I cant get my speakers to work and loctus doesnt do the job any better,
> > it just frezzes and still no sound...can anyone help me?
> > <---Richard KIm--->
> and I tryed apachectl restart but it didnt work just did the same thing (it
> started fine but just says [httpd <defunct>]] again on the ps -ef


Rial Juan                        <http://nighty.ulyssis.org>
                e-mail:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Belgium            tel:                    (++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator       <http://www.ulyssis.org>

The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...


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