Audrey Beck wrote:

> bryan pryor wrote:
> >
> > I am having trouble setting up the modelines for my monitor for X.  It is a
> > Likom Futura 17" monitor, and I have a Trident 975 AGP vid card.  Here are
> > the specs.  If anybody can write the modelines from this, I'd really
> > appreciate it.
> >
> > Vert. Refresh Rates:  50-100
> > Horiz Sync Rates:     30-70
> > Max Resolution:       1280x1024 @ 65 Hz
> >
> > 640 x 480 @ 110 Hz
> > 800 x 600 @ 109 Hz
> > 1024 x 768 @ 86 Hz
> >
> > I don't really know how to set up the mode lines, and XConfigurator and the
> > other "automatic" programs don't produce an XF86Config file that works.
> >
> > thanks,
> >
> > b
> > ______________________________________________________
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> Your /etc/X11/XF86Config file probably has the right stuff in it, but
> not using it.  Make a backup copy of your current file, then edit it and
> remove all the mode lines that don't match what you want.  Also remove
> the screen section that has the VGA driver (usually the first one) and
> says it does double scan.  See if that helps.
> There are programs on (I think it's net) to
> make mode lines etc, but they run in X, so...  There is also a HOW-TO to
> make your own, but it hurt me, X and my video card, so I figure it's not
> something I should do or help anyone to do.

Good advice!

It hurt you? (grin) "The words were English, but it was all greek to me"

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