
I'm getting the same error messages.  The way I got around it was to create two
new folders under "/mnt".  I probably should have used the originals "cdrom2
and floppy", but; I'm new to linux and didn't want to screw anything up.
Anyways, I created "cdrw" and "afloppy", then;

mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/afloppy

mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrw

Worked like a champ.  But, what a pain typing all this in each time.  I will be
looking into something a little easier.  But, for the meantime; it'll do.  I
have other fish to fry.  Hope this helps.

Bruce :-)

"Peter H. Hackett" wrote:

> When I try to access the cdrom or floppy from either command line or
> desktop, I get an error such as : /mnt/floppy: Input/output error (same goes
> for cdrom). They both show as mounted and are in the fstab, but I'm at a
> loss. Any Ideas??
> Thanks...
> _________________________________
> Peter H. Hackett

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