On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, steve harris wrote:

Hi Steve and others...

> RedHat 6.2 will be out April 10.

thanks, thats not the problem, the iso image for rh62 is allready on my
machine ;)

> MacMillan Mandrake 7 died on my system, and I was trying to upgrade 
> MacMillan Mandrake 6.0 to 7.0

well thats at least a statement which tells me that upgrading with
Mandrake does probably not work...

> My comment would be "don't upgrade just to upgrade.

Thats certainly true in most cases and the reason why I'm asking this
question in this forum. I just would like to see the speedups 
everybody is speaking about. 
> If you upgrade any system be prepared to tweak a few things.
> (no real good answer for you I know, just experience)

Well, I wouldn't expect that a action like that runs 'out of the box',
I just want to know if somebody achieved it without spoiling the system.
There's a slight difference between tweaking a few things and reinstalling
the whole system+configuration+me nerves... ;) (I've done such stupid
things ages ago, and I remember the nights repairing such systems... ;)

> fwiw
> steve

thanks for your answers and hints 
> ----Original Message Follows----
> Subject: Re: [newbie] upgrading RedHat 6.1 to Mandrake 7.0
> Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 14:36:19 +0200 (MEST)
> On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, larry wrote:
>  >     i just installed mandrake.  i didn't see the word "redhat" anywhere 
> in
>  > the installation.  unless you know a hell of lot more than i do, i'd just 
> do
>  > a new mandrake install.
> no, I asked if it is possible to upgrade RedHat 6.1 to Mandrake 7.0
> (the homepage states that Mandrake is RedHat-compatible, so I assume that
> I can upgrade my RedHat 6.1 installation to Mandrake 7.0 without
> jeopardizing my whole configuration and setup...
> and I don't want to 'just' install mandrake over my existing system,
> because it'll take me additional two weeks to recreate my whole
> enviorment...
>  >             larry
> bye
>       Frank

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