No. You don't have to reinstall anything. A correct file transfert
should do it.
Let's suppose your old linux is on /dev/hda2 and you want to have it on
If other users can connect and work on your box, you first should switch
to runlevel 1 (just type init 1)
Then, here is how you have to do (as root):
  mkdir /mnt/tmp
  mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/tmp
  (cd / && tar clpf - .) | (cd /mnt/tmp && tar xpf -)

You reconfigure your lilo to boot linux on the correct hd(/dev/hdb1
instead of /dev/hda2).
And that should work!


Kirk McElhearn a écrit :
> I'm planning to add a second HD to my computer.  The current one is 4.3
> gigs, and I am getting a new 20 gig.  Currently, I have the 4.3 in two
> partitions, one for Windows, the other for Linux.  I want to leave the
> entire 4.3 for Windows, and use the 20 gig partly for Linux, and partly
> for BeOS.
> So, the question is, can I simply copy my Linux files onto the new HD, or
> do I have to do a complete install?  If so, which folders and files do I
> need to copy from the current disk to maintain my config?
> Thanks for any help.
> Kirk
>                                vice versa
>  Translations - French to English, English to French | Technical Writing
>  Traductions francais-anglais, anglais-francais      | Redaction technique
>  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     Kirk McElhearn | Chemin de la Lauze | 05600 Guillestre | France

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