As you can download email and web pages, your internet connection must be fine.

it may be a problem with the FTP support within your netscape browser.  Check the
internet connection stats (I'm using kppp, which has gives good info on bytes
received, sent etc).

If a simple ftp client on linux can be used to download files, then somehow your
netscape needs fixing or reconfiguring  ...

hope this helps.


David Boles wrote:

> I have my computer connected to the Internet with a NE2000 PCI 10mhz card by
> way of a small home LAN. The connections are made by a 56K modem on good phone
> lines.
> If I have OS/2 Warp running I can d/l the file, IBMJava-SDK-1_1_8-2_0_i386.RPM,
> in about 39 minutes with 4.5 k/sec using Netscape Communicator v4.61 for OS/2.
> If I have Win98 running, on the same machine, same connection setup, I can d/l
> the same file in about 41 minutes with a similar 4.5 k/sec with Netscape
> Communicator v7.2 for Windows.
> With Linux-Mandrake 7.0, or L-M 6.0, Readhat 5.2, or RH 6.0 I give up after
> several hours with a completion  of about 5% with Netscape Communicator v7.0 or
> v7.2. I get tired of looking at (stalled) in the netscape download window. Same
> site, same time of day, same day of the week. This happens with ALL downloads,
> any site, any time, any day.
> Netscape displays web pages quickly. E-Mail downloads quickly.
> Any suggestions or information would be greatly appreciated.
> BTW.. incase it was not obvious, I am a Newbie a Linux, <smile>, but not to
> computing.
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> David Boles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -----------------------------------------------------------

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