Hello folks..I'm so new to Linux you wouldn't believe, so please be gentle
with me!!

I've loaded Madrake in the last couple of days. I'm stumbling my way around.
As I came to PC's pretty late (About 30 months ago), I've never learnt any
dos, so this command line stuff is a bit scary!!

A couple of questions I'm sure have been asked a zillion times.

1-What is the best way of imstalling programs that don't come on the
Mandrake disc-I'm thinking Star Office and Corel Wordperfect mainly? I've
tried it, following the instructions I have, and from the 'Read Me' files
that accompany those programs. Going from a command line, I get nowhere..so
what do I do??

2-Modems-Do no internal modems work aty all? I've got a pretty good hardware
driven internal one that'll run any flavour of windows.

Thanks for bearing with me..If there is any good newbie faq sites around,
I'd appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.



Manchester, UK

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