Hello again,

Installed Mandrake 7.0(AIR). Installation went well. Except for a stupid
mistake by me. When it got to the video card/monitor/resoulution questions I
must of fell asleep. When it tested the video resoulution the screen came up
blank and monitor light was amber(like sleep mode). Like an idiot when the
question came up, do you want to boot to KDE? I said yes. So first boot goes
into KDE and screen sits there blank. With help from 2 on this list (linux 3
at LILO) I got to console mode. Tried xf86config and still same thing. I'm
installing linux on this spare PC I have. Here's the spec's:

Matrox Millenium II 8 meg video
15 gig harddrive
64 meg Ram
Creative Labs 128 PCI soundcard

Any idea's??

Bill Neuman

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