I had the same problem, even the BIOS reported 473MB for a 13GB Disk.
It all turned out to be due to the Linux Boot Partition having been
placed beyond the 1023rd cylinder, I think.
In the end the only way I could move on was to re-install Mandrake
as far as the partitioning and delete all the partitions on the
This all happened about three weeks ago when I was completely new
to Linux, since then I have learned a great deal from this forum
until now I think I know it all. 8-)
Just goes to show how quickly you do progress when you have good

-----Original Message-----
From: bryan pryor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 April 2000 14:17
Subject: Re: [newbie] More probs with dual boot

You're right, right now i don't have any fat 32 partitions on my disk, but
when i boot using my win98 floppy and use fdisk, it says i only have 473 MB
of total disk space, when I actually have a 6.4 GB hard drive.  But I'll
keep trying and keep you informed.


Sounds to me like you don't have a Fat16 or Fat32 partition on your drive.
Personally, I'd start completely over. Boot to a win98 boot-disk. Use
fdisk to get rid of ALL partitions. set your HD up as one large FAT32
drive. Format the drive. Install win98. Boot to your Mandrake CD after
win98 has been totally installed. setup your linux partitions using LILO
during installation. Finish the Linux install and boot to whatever you set
as default. If you need to change your default OS, run KLILO under KDE and
do it from there.

That's how I would do it.

George E. Jones IV
ABN AMRO ITSC North America
End User Support

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 04/04/2000 12:00:00 PM
cc:      (bcc: George Jones/US/ABNAMRO/NL)
Subject:        [newbie] More probs with dual boot

Let me just get this out of the way.  WINDOWS SUCKS @$$!  Ok, I feel better
now.  I'm trying to go with a dual boot win98/mandrake 7.0 system b/c i
can't get my modem to work with linux and have run out of $$$.  Someone
that it is possible to get my modem (modem blaster PCI) to work with Linux,
by setting it as a generic hayse compatible, but gave me no more info.
Being new at this, i don't know how to do that.

Back to my dual boot probs. I have read many emails on this list about dual
booting, and I'm trying to install Winblows first.  I put in the 98 CD,
booted from it, and ran setup.  It said that It couldn't recognize the
filesystem (or some other bull****), and to run fdisk.  so I ran DOS fdisk,
and it said that my 6.4 gig hard drive was a 473 MB drive.  So I
Mandrake.  Install went perfectly, recognized my 6.4 GB hard drive, etc...
but still no modem.  So I uninstalled LILO with lilo -u at the bash prompt,
used Linux cfdisk, deleted all partitions, and put a 3 GB FAT32 partition
and a 3.4 GB Linux partition on.  Ran win98 setup, still doesn't like it.
Ran DOS fdisk, and it says i have a 473 MB hard drive again.  By now, i was
so pissed off, i put mandrake back on and gave the whole hard drive to
linux.  If you could give me any help, I would really appreciate it.
keep in mind that i'm a brand newbie, so keep the advice in english if


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