Guys, I've been having the same problem.  I used
Lothar and netconf too.  But your posts gave me the
missing link (for my situation at least).  There
wasn't a module specifically for the 3c90x for the
kernel I'm running (and I would guess you too), but
there is one for the 3c59x; I just didn't know to use
it for my 3c90x.  Try this fro the command line:

insmod 3c59x
ifconfig ether0 netmask

You can replace the IP info with your own.  After that
you should be able to ping other devices on the
configured subnet.  My only issue now is that I've got
to do these two steps every time I reboot.  I'm not
sure netconf is doing anything for me.   Now I'm going
to look up in one of my books how to make those
command stick.  Unless somebody already knows the
answer and posts it :)

Regards -

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