> Actually, if you really want performance, then just telnet straight
> into your pop3 server.
> It may not be pretty, but you can certainly administer your account
> efficiently.
> Just involves learning a few simple commands (shock horror) :-)
> Michael Perry.
> R&D. Dep. Netafim Magal.
> <<<<Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack>>>>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rial Juan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sun 09 April 2000 14:06
> Subject:      RE: [newbie] Thank you.
> On Apr 9 Mike Perry wrote:
> > 1.  Generally less secure
> Not when done with SSL, which is IMHO the way to go when you're providing
> web-based email. How secure do you think pop3 is anyway? Everything gets
> sent
> over in cleartext, including your username/password. Not much of an issue
> for
> people at home with modems, I suppose, but for people like me who sit on a
> lan,
> it makes us vulnerable to sniffers on the subnet.
> > 2.  Often Slower
> Probably not if he's referring to web-based email provided by his ISP;
> instead
> of waiting for all messages to be retreived at once (pop3), you'll only
> have a
> slight pause when opening the next one. Potentially web-based email can be
> even
> faster, since long attachments don't get downloaded automatically; you
> have the
> choice now.
> > 3.  Often much more restrictive on attached files
> Again: not when it's your ISP's web-based email. It's the same account, so
> the
> same restrictions apply.
> > Note: this applies only to my experience with places
> > like hotmail and other sites offering "free web based 
> > email", so maybe I am just talking total bullshit :-)
> Nope, when it comes to hotmail/bigfoot/... I couldn't agree more with you.
> I
> hate those too. But not all web-based mail has those disadvantages,
> although I
> prefer mail being forwarded to my box directly (unfortunately impossible
> when at
> home due to high internet fees).
> -- 
> Rial Juan                        <http://nighty.ulyssis.org>
>                 e-mail:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Belgium            tel:                    (++32) 89/856533
> ulyssis system admininstrator       <http://www.ulyssis.org>
> The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
> That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...
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