OK..I didn't expect an easy ride..but I thought I'd have enough PC savvy to
get through this..

Linux is driving me crazy!!

In a little over a week, I've re-installed Mandrake 7 FOUR times..what
gives??  I tried installing Caldera open Linux instead..that says my
Hardware will not support it!! Odd things keep going wrong with Mandrake,
like instead of going to the log in screen after booting up, the screen just
flashes...The only way I've found around this is to re-install..It works
fine for a while, then the same thing kicks in again!! I can't get onto the
web even though my new modem is recognised by Linux.AAAAARGGGHHHHH!!!

I want to make it work..but it is becoming a pain in the ass!!

Sorry, I just had to shout at someone!!



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