What "script kiddies" mean?

On Sun, 09 Apr 2000, Stephen F. Bosch mewed:
> Jaguar wrote:
> > 
> > After having "script-kiddies" try to "DNS Malformed", Trojan Scanning, and
> > many other attcks on my static IP, I captured the attempts with trace-route,
> > and the BlackICE Defender log files, and sent them to @Home Abuse.  They
> > replied that they are __NOT__, I repeat _NOT_ responsible for firewalls, or
> > protection of their clients data.
> Were said "script-kiddies" on the @home network? If so, then they *are*
> responsible for dealing with them, not matter what they did.
> @Home abuse has already successfully eliminated many a threat for me =)
> But if they weren't @home customers, @home can't do much about it...
> -Stephen-
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