why do things crash? hmmmmm

> -----Original Message-----
> From: George Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 10 April 2000 15:02
> To: newbie
> Subject: Re: [newbie] I thought this was supposed to beat
> Windowshandsdownon stability!!
> paul haine wrote:
> >
> > Funny how when Windows doesn't work it's Windows fault, but 
> when Linux
> > doesn't work it MUST be the hardware.
> Not true, look at all of the S3 Savage 3, 4, and 2000 owners 
> out there (I 
> have a Diamond Stealth s540 Savage4) complaining on a regular 
> basis about 
> their hardware crashing Windows. To it's credit, the Stealth 
> III works 
> fine with Linux (no 3d accell though). Many times it is the 
> hardware, but 
> everyone is so used to blaming Windows that no matter what 
> "It has to be 
> Windows". AMD's processors 350Mhz+ required a patch in win95 
> in order to 
> work. Intel had no such problem, Cyrix has no such problem. 
> Problem with 
> Windows? I doubt it. 
this was infact a problem with windows, a timing bug Amd 350Mhz+ were just
too quick for windows,
Cyrix and Intel process obviously wern't ;->
> Windows98SE works for me. It crashes 
> only when I try 
> something that I shouldn't... Like running OpenGL 
> screensavers (Savage4 
> drivers don't allow GL accellerated savers to function). Application 
> crashes (read:Games!) happen because of instability of my video card. 
> Linux never crashes with the same hardware, then again, there's no 3D 
> accelleration for the Savage4 to crash it.

this is usually a driver quality issue, which boils down to a few things.
1:- Quality of the driver development kit (windows/Linux etc... me thinks)
2:- 'Protection' given by the kernel and api (windows/Linux again)
3:- build quality of the drivers  well this is the oem's responsibility.
4:- reliability of the hardware
5:- driver compatibility, and configuration 

windows nt 3.xx had good driver protection, the drivers could crash and the
system would still run. (in theory)
windows nt 4  less protection, bad drivers can kill the server
windows nt 5(2000) similar protection to 95 , ie flaky anything dead

I'm not sure how Linux handles protection but I've had a fileing system and
a video driver crash the computer has still been running. manly down to bad

any how the quality of the final driver usually lies with the oem and not
windows/linux(unless there certified drivers),
but a poor os makes bullet-proofing a driver a near impossibility, and ends
up with massive drivers.

> My overclocked K6-2 450 (@500Mhz) runs everything just fine. 
> (So does my 
> Overclocked Celeron366 - 550Mhz)
> "I have no irrational allegiance to any OS. I use Linux because it 
> works,and shun Windows because it doesn't."
> But that's irrational in itself. Windows and Linux, as we 
> have seen, will 
> both crash. Your Hardware configuration may be what's 
> preventing you from 
> running Windows well. Your not looking into that is 
> irrational. Please 
> don't take this as a flame, that's not what I'm trying to do 
> here. For the 
> record the configuration of my main Linux/Windows box is:
> Matsonic 6120s Motherboard w/Alladin V chipset
> AMD K6-2 450 @500Mhz
> SB Live Value
> Diamond Stealth III s540
> Linksys PCI nic
> MIDIMan Winman 2x2 MIDI interface
> 128mb Crucial Tech ram.
> Generic USB Card from CompUSA (I shorted out the USB/PS2 ports on the 
> mobo)
> Generic USB Mouse
> 3Com Cable Modem.
> It runs Windows and Linux quite well.

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