Not sure where your at, but I'm using JPSnet and they've been great.  If you pay
for the year, it comes to $11.50 @ month with 3 email accounts, 20MB web space, and
unlimited usage (though if you're not active for 12 minutes, you get kicked off -
which you really shouldn't be wasting bandwidth if you're not doing anything
anyway).  If you keep a month to month contract, it's $14.95 @ month for the same
I've also given them an extra $11 for the year and received and extra 20MB of web
space, a CGI bin with perl and C++ support and one more email account.  It's pretty
hard to beat that.  The best thing is, there servers are Unix, so transfering files
from Linux is a breeze!
Check them out at:


"Stephen F. Bosch" wrote:

> >
> >
> > I am still looking for a Linux ISP for myself.  I've contacted <A
> > HREF="">TCI: FreeWWWeb 4
> > Linux</A> , and have received no response from them, and looked into  <A
> > HREF=""></A> , but they only have numbers
> > for Oregon and Washington...
> >
> > Can anyone give an a good ISP for Linux...I'm ready to dump AOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Just find a good local ISP that doesn't use proprietary protocols... all
> TCP/IP -- and you'll be fine.
> -Stephen-

This is Unix country...
        On a quiet night, you can hear windows crashing.

Michael Holt

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