
This is a repost of a message to the list that went unreplied to, so
please excuse any faux pauxs that I may have commited. I have a problem
which I hope somebody else has encountered and remedied.  I am presently
using Mandrake 6.0 with kernel 2.2.13. My modem is a U.S. Robotics 56k
Sportser FAXModem. I get an error message that my kernel doesn't have
ppp support built and to contact the system administrator.  I click the
ok button and the "CONNECT" window comes up.  Only when I click connect,
I get a "looking form modem" -- "Sorry modem is busy" messages from
Kppp. I discovered a temporary work around using minicom to reset the
modem and then I am able to use Kppp to dial-in to my isp and
send this mail message.

I compiled the kernel myself and I am not sure if a module was left out
or a service is not started during boot up that kppp needs to reset the
modem.  If more information is needed please let me know.  I would like
to solve this annoying little problem once an for all. 

Thanks In Advance,


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