Here's the deal..

I had a single 8.4gb hard drive, partioned with W98 in 6 gb, Linux in the
remainder..Lilo worked just fine...


I installed a 20gb h/d  in addition to this this week-I've kept the original
as master and the new one as slave.

My plan was to put a completely clean install of W98 onto the new drive,
make an image file using Norton Ghost, burn that onto a CD (Makes
re-installing windows a brrrrreeeeze!!), then drag all my personal files
over and re-install the apps onto the new drive, then allow Linux to take
over the entire original 8.4 gb by re-sizing the partitons.

Fine..on paper (Or in my head!!)

When I'd done the fresh install of W98 on the new drive, I lost access to my
original hard drive, so the only thing I could boot into was the new copy of
W98.. I think I remember reading that, if you install Windows AFTER Linux,
it over-writes the boot records so Lilo boesn't function any more. Is that
right? The t*t that I am..I didn't make a boot floppy on my last Linux
install (.hangs head in shame and stands in the corner!!)

To cut this short then..I've finished up fdisk-ing the lot, installing Linux
first onto the slave h/d in a 6 gb partition (Should be enough, shouldn't
it??) and I'll put W98 on the original 8.4 gb drive. Now, when I re-install
W98 tonight, that mean that lilo will disappear again, won't it? So the
question do I boot into Linux without it (i've created a floppy disc
this time, that will probably help) and once I've managed to get into Linux,
can I then re-install Lilo at all?

Thanks for listening


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