Just a guess here, but I had a similar problem when trying
to access the SuSE update servers via ftp thru a firewall. 
If I recall correctly, it has to do w/ the firewall and
using passive mode ftp vs. active mode.  In active mode,
the ftp client contacts the server, and the server responds
on a different port to start the transfer.  In passive
mode, the client contacts the server, the server responds
back on the same port, and the client initiates the
transfer on another port.  Basically in active mode, the
firewall sees an 'unsolicited' incoming connection 'cause
it doesn't match a previous outgoing connection on the same
port, so it is denied and you get the Illegal PORT Command
b.s.  I don't know if a firewall plays into your setup or
not, but this is what was going on in my case. YMMV


--- Ross Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear there,
> I have a problem about configuring FTP server (wu-ftp) on
> linux Mandrake 7.
> I can connect to the ftp server on clinet side using ftp
> command.
> But when I type ls, I alway get an error:
> ftp> ls
> 500 Illegal PORT Command.
> 425 Can't build data connection: Connection refused.
> ftp>
> Do you have some idea about that?
> Thank you in advance.


"Here, catch!  Don't worry, it won't bite...BBZZZZAAAAPPP!!!...much <snicker>"

What an unsuspecting mechanic hears as he learns to never, ever, play 'Catch' with a 
bored electrician  ;)

Monte Milanuk

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