Sevatio Octavio wrote:
> Andy,
> Before we start... let's drift back to windows for a second...  For installations, 
>you just click the install file and it pretty
> much does everything for you.  RPM files are also capable of this - IF the author 
>included the icon, documentation, and a Kmenu
> entry.  This is not always the case.
> I'll assume you're using KDE.  You can do all of this logged in as a regular user.  
>Activate the Drakeconf icon on your desktop.  It
> will ask you for the superuser password.  Once in, you will see the button for 
>Kpackage.  Use Kpackage to open your RPM file.

I just installed kxicq..I downloaded it from tucows..and that was in RPM
format. I activated drakeconf, got to kpackage, then it tells me I need
to be logged in as root to use kpackage!!
> When you are installing with RPM files, the Package Manager (Kpackage) will list 
>every file that it's going to put into your system.
> If you didn't see it, you can have Kpackage search for it (in Kpackage).  Then you 
>can look at the file list.  Generally, the
> executables go into "/usr/bin" or "/usr/bin/local".  The documentation usually drops 
>into "/usr/doc".  Also, check for an icon file
> (not always there).  You may also see file entries for your Kmenu.  If the RPM came 
>with all the goodies, you can just right-click
> your kpanel and choose "restart".  Check your Kmenu for the installed application.

Star Office did this, but this (admittedly, only my second RPM
installation) didn't. I've opened the programme by finding it in the
/usr/bin, but I don't really want to be messing about like that every
time I want to open ICQ (Which I use A LOT!)
I'll go through the rest of your message when I get back from

Thanks for your help, Seve



> Seve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: andy barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Saturday, April 15, 2000 8:32 AM
> Subject: [newbie] Where do Programs Go?
> >When you install an RPM, you have to be in root, don't you??
> >
> >
> >
> >OK..when you install, where does Linux put this program.. Bear with me
> >as I'm used to a Windows environment, where it puts it either onto your
> >C drive or into Program Files on C drive, and you kind find an .exe even
> >if you can't see an icon to click..
> >
> >
> >
> >When you revert to user, I can't work out how to run a program after
> >it's installed.
> >
> >
> >Cheers
> >
> >Andy
> >
> >

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