Josep Molero i Puig wrote:
> Hi everybody ...
> I'm very new in Linux world (just a week) and this weekend I have bought a
> book about LINUX.
> I have been reading it with interest...
> There is a word that appears very often.
> GNU General Public License.
> I think I know the sense of this General Public Sense...
> And I have read that GNU stands for : Gnu is Not Unix
> But in this case,  GNU appears again ... So what does GNU stands for ??
> It's a recursive standing for ??
> Gnu is Not Unix
>    |
>    |_ Gnu is Not Unix
>          |
>          |_ Gnu is Not Unix
> But in all recursive programs there must be an ENDING CONDITION !!!
> What does GNU means ?

This is a never-ending recursive abreviation. The same way, some say
that wine stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator.
Don't try to understand. It's like that... And don't ask me why they
didn't call it KNU or FNU or ENU, or something else. Maybe there is a
reason, but I don't know it. (if someone knows, I would be interrested.)

But if you want more details about what GNU public licence legally
involves, go and see


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