I'm having problems getting Linux to recognise my NIC.

One of the solutions someone provided, was to recompile my kernel and 
make sure Network support was enabled.

Following various instructions and documents, I navigate to the 
appropriate directory, /usr/src/linux, and type 'make xconfig'. I then 
get the following message:-

No rule to make target 'xconfig'.

All I want to do is recompile my kernel (2.2.14), and whilst checking 
for network support, also 'tidy' it up.

I suspect I'm missing something obvious, but can't see what. Can anyone 
help please?

Thank you.
Tim Lewis
+44 (0)1922 641221/448905 07808 403927
Mon, 17 Apr 2000 16:33 +0100 Win98
You Are The Needle In My Arm

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