David Hugh-Jones wrote:

> I read this and tried to create a symlink from /usr/bin to my Mozilla
> directory. But when I run mozilla I get the message 'run-mozilla.sh: no
> such file or directory'. This happens even if I create symlinks to
> run-mozilla.sh as well. What have I done wrong?

Where is your mozilla executable?  Provide an explicit directory listing.  Go to the
directory where mozilla is and do the following:

        pwd > junk 2>&1
        ls -l *mozilla*   >> junk 2>&1

Then send the contents of this file.

Also, tell us what user account you're trying to do this from, root or some other

Did you check using rpm?  Don't do this using "run-mozilla.sh".  Use rpm with the
name of the package, minus the .i386.rpm or .{[no]arch}.rpm filename extension,
otherwise you'ld need to add the -p query option.

You might want to include the output from this rpm test.

        rpm -qil mozilla*  >> junk 2>&1

Am not sure if you  need to say 2>&1 or 2>>&1 for the commands after the pwd one.
Try 2>&1 and if this ends up obliterating prior text in the file, then start over
with 2>>&1.  I just did a test and the 2>&1 worked across the board.


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