I got my machine to format a mac zip disk also.

On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, Joe Perry wrote:

> Because Windows does not provide support for reading/writing from any 
> partitions that are Windows/DOS partitions. There is little chance that 
> Microsoft will add this support in the forseeable future. Linux does support 
> other partition formats so does read/write Windows.
> > After all, an HTML file, A
> > GIF image is the same on whichever o/s. ((Sits back and waits for someone to
> > tell me 'Oh, no they're not'!!!).
> >
> Oh, yes they are. How you access the information is O/S dependent.
> > It's a great shame.. I've downloaded stuff onto my Windows partition for
> > Linux, and I can move that over no problem. Much as most folks on here won't
> > like me for saying this, Windows will, for a long, long time, remain my OS
> > of most use. It's therefore a great shame that, while I'm downloading off
> > the web, I can't download Windows stuff while I'm connected via Linux.
> >
> Download the install files from Linux, store on your Windows partition, and 
> when next you boot up into Windows run the install file.
> And in case you are wondering, I am typing this message form Windows.
> Joseph H. Perry
> Oracle DBA
> Columbus State University
> 4225 University Ave
> Columbus, GA 31907-5645
> (706) 568-2063
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