Yoppy Hidayanto wrote:

> Hello..
> When I want ot setup my netscape proxy
> I put the name and the port number
> which I also use in my windoze (and it works).
> But in linux, I got the response:
> FTP proxy host "my proxy" is unknown..
> where should I put my proxy on /etc (or what?)
> to make netscape recognize it?
> T.I.A.
> -yoppy-

I have found this problem too.
IMHO there are two methods:
1.  If you are on a local network, you must configure this first. If
Netscape dont see LAN, it will give this message again.
2.  If you have a ppp account, then make online connection to your ISP,
after you can set up proxies in Netscape. I am newbie too. Maybe not my
suggestion is the best, but it was OK on my linux-box at home and at my

I hope didn't wrote stupid things...

Best regards, Zolix

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