Pardon my intrusion, could one of you tell me how you set up your LAN?  Did
you let Mandrake configure that on install, or did you manually do it after
the install?  If manually, what procedure did you follow?

Thanks in advance, Mike

Yoppy Hidayanto wrote:

> Siposs Zoltan said:
> > I have found this problem too.
> > IMHO there are two methods:
> > 1.  If you are on a local network, you must configure this first. If
> > Netscape dont see LAN, it will give this message again.
> > 2.  If you have a ppp account, then make online connection to your ISP,
> > after you can set up proxies in Netscape. I am newbie too. Maybe not my
> > suggestion is the best, but it was OK on my linux-box at home and at my
> > work.
> >
> hey thanks.. it works!
> but I still curious.. is there another way?
> > I hope didn't wrote stupid things...
> no you don't :)
> -yh-

The Penguins are coming!!!

Michael Holt

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