Just figured that with all the arguing going on in here that we could use a
little humour. I will admit however, that us Linux folks are passionate
about our O/S 's. What'cha gonna do, eh? Have a good one, but go easy on the
chocolate bunnies!

( here ends the easter comments! Let's get back to being cocky, arrogant
computer geeks! Woo Hoo!)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Holt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2000 2:25 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] hmmm, fat32

> haha! Happy Easter to you too!
> Mike
> Dan LaBine wrote:
> >
> > Enough is Enough!! Have some compassion for the rest of us will ya? It's
> > easter for God's sake! Most of us ( I hope! ) just ate a hell of a lot
> > ham or something, and all you can talk about is FAT??? Why not wait
> > tomorrow when we're all feeling real guilty about making pigs of
> > and then hit us with all the FAT talk ! Personally, I went WAY beyond 32
> > grams of Fat tonight! Grin, Grin! Happy Easter!
> --
> ========================================================
> The Penguins are coming!!!
> ========================================================
> Michael Holt

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