Ok, is the windows partition corrupt or not? Because if it's corrupt, there's
not much of a chance your average joe can retreive the data that was originally
on it. If you can get to the data (for example on /mnt/DOS_hda1 or whatever
mandrake calls it by default), and all is still there, your partition probably
ain't corrupt.

What made you think the partition is corrupted anyway? The fact that your
machine boots in linux now, and you have no clue how to get back in windows? In
that case, try taking a look at /etc/lilo.conf, and determine what the windows
boot-option is called (eg:"dos"). Than, at the lilo boot prompt, type in
"dos" and the machine will boot in windows. You can set windows to default by
changing the value of "default" from "linux" to "dos" like this:


Then the machine will always boot in windows, except if you specifically type in
"linux" at the lilo boot prompt.

I appologise if all of this seems utterly trivial to you, but judjing from what
I read here your partition doesn't seem to be corrupt, so in my view the most
logical explanation is that you don't know enough about linux yet to know that
you can choose what to boot in at the lilo prompt. If this is not the case,
please provide <me | the list> with some more details so we can figure out what
went wrong.

ps: what does the boot-floppy have to do with all of this?

On Apr 25 Connell McMenamin wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently installed Linux 7 using the cover CD from PCplus magazine.
> Since doing this I discovered that I should also have downloaded a
> floppy image to do the install. :-(
> Since I didn't do this I seem to have corrupted my Windows partition -
> nice.
> Any way I can get this back? or any suggestions on the best way to start
> to rebuild my system?
> I was planning on getting any critical data off the C: drive by copying
> the files using Linux to floppies.  After this I am planning on
> reformatting the hard drive - reinstalling all my windows software and
> then reinstalling Linux.
> Any thoughts would be appreciated - thanks
> Connell


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ulyssis system admininstrator       <http://www.ulyssis.org>

The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...


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