        I'm considering adsl service possibly within the next month (this 56k
connection is about done!)  I'm considering service through GTE (both
the dsl and the isp), I'm wondering if anyone out there has experience
with this combination?  I know I can use it with windows, will it easily
configure with Linux?  If anyone has the time, could you go into some
detailed setup?  My current situation is two computers connected using a
Netgear auto sensing 4 port hub.  I would like to be able to connect the
dsl modem directly to the hub (is that possible?) and let both computers
(and future computers) to connect directly through the hub.  I still
haven't been able to configure simple NFS under Linux, although I'm able
to ping - I don't know if that's relevant.  Do I need to setup one box
for a gateway, or can I just use the hub itself?

Thanks in advance for any help,
Mike =)
The Penguins are coming!!!

Michael Holt

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