Not really on topic here, but about half the computers in my Computer Science
class got hit by Chernobyl yesterday; including mine. Most people probally got
it from sharing the pirated programs that students had put on there.
Fortunatly I didn't have anything real important on my computer, so they only
big loss is reinstalling Windows. And since I used Linux to view all the disks
I had brought home from school, my computer at home wasn't infected. Thank
goodness for Linux : ) I'm going to see if maybe I can't convince my CS teacher
to let me install Linux on my computer, but I doubt it'll happen. 

> Yesterday was the day that the dreaded Chernobyl and other variants
> activates.
> Apart from trashing your disk, some of its variants also wipe out your bios.
> Of course it runs only under winblows so this may explain why your computer
> booted up fine under linux but keeled over and died under windows.
> If this is the problem you MAY be able to get a new bios chip from either
> award
> or the motherboard manufacturer
> Hopefully this isn't the problem
> Cheers: and good luck...
> Michael Perry.
> R&D. Dep. Netafim Magal.
> <<<<Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack>>>>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       pRiZnA [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:       Thu 27 April 2000 13:19
> > Subject:    [newbie] Award BIOS problem
> > 
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Yesterday I opened my system to see if I can disable
> > my PnP modem somehow, I failed in that process,
> > because it was a Winmodem (jumperless).........
> > 
> > however something happened, that just failed to boot
> > my PC,
> > 
> > I started linux first, it was OK, then I started
> > Windows and it just said "updating system settings"
> > and FROZE, when I hit the reset key, nothing appeared
> > on the screen after that, no beeps, nothing
> > 
> > I checked the CPU (Pentium II) and memory on another
> > board (its OK), I'm now suspecting the BIOS chip
> > (Award PCI/ISA 686), any suggestions.........
> > 
> > Thanks in advance
> > 
> > pR!ZnA
> > 
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Anthony Huereca
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

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