Found this utility if you've been hit by the CIH virus:

Page says it can sometimes recover your data. Can't personally vouch for it though, 
I've not tried it.

Nathan Hopper

the webcam to end all webcams

> Not really on topic here, but about half the computers in my Computer Science
> class got hit by Chernobyl yesterday; including mine. Most people probally got
> it from sharing the pirated programs that students had put on there.
> Fortunatly I didn't have anything real important on my computer, so they only
> big loss is reinstalling Windows. And since I used Linux to view all the disks
> I had brought home from school, my computer at home wasn't infected. Thank
> goodness for Linux : ) I'm going to see if maybe I can't convince my CS teacher
> to let me install Linux on my computer, but I doubt it'll happen. 

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