I'm sorry I can't offer an answer, but I just wanted echo your frustration.  I have
had the identical problem with
fetchmail--I have no idea where the messages are going, so there is no way to use pine
or mutt to any advantage.
No one so far has seemed to know what is going on.  So I will add my plea for help.

Don J.

Jeff wrote:

> ok ive been trying to configure fetchmail an pine and im having some
> difficulty..  i have pine sending msg's and im recieving them fine but
> fetchmail isnt putting my msg's in /var/spool/mail/LeadingEdge  i dont know
> where its puttibng them but ive lost quite a few msg's since i started messing
> with it..
> ok heres what i did ......
> first i ran fetchmailconf and got it running.  fetchmail seems to be running
> good it downloads mesg's but not to /var/spool/mail/LeadingEdge so im thinking
> maybe its the file permissions getting in the way.  so i do
> "chmod a+rw /var/spool/mail/LeadingEdge" so now everyone on the box has read
> write permission to that file, but that doesnt matter as im the only one on
> here..  still no good the mesg's im downloading just arent in there.  instead
> of running fetchmail in daemon mode at this point im just using fetchmail to
> check once when i type the command cause ive lost alot of mail and have no idea
> if anything there was important..
> ok and for pine i got it set up and it sends msgs but of course cant read the
> mail cause nothing is in /var/spool/mail/LeadingEdge
> heres the config files
> (sorry this is so long i just wanna be detailed)
> -----fetchmail------
> # Configuration created Fri Apr 28 23:23:53 2000 by fetchmailconf
> set postmaster "LeadingEdge"
> set bouncemail
> set properties ""
> poll mail.nccw.net with proto POP3
>        user "Leading_Edge" there is Leading_Edge here
> ---------end fetchmail------------
> -------pine-------------
> # Over-rides your full name from Unix password file. Required for PC-Pine.
> personal-name=Jeff
> # Sets domain part of From: and local addresses in outgoing mail.
> user-domain=kmfms.com
> # List of SMTP servers for sending mail. If blank: Unix Pine uses sendmail.
> smtp-server=mail.nccw.net
> # NNTP server for posting news. Also sets news-collections for news reading.
> nntp-server=news.nccw.net
> # Path of (local or remote) INBOX, e.g. ={mail.somewhere.edu}inbox
> # Normal Unix default is the local INBOX (usually /usr/spool/mail/$USER).
> inbox-path=
> # List of incoming msg folders besides INBOX, e.g. ={host2}inbox, {host3}inbox
> # Syntax: optnl-label {optnl-imap-host-name}folder-path
> incoming-folders=
> # List of directories where saved-message folders may be. First one is
> # the default for Saves. Example: Main {host1}mail/[], Desktop mail\[]
> # Syntax: optnl-label {optnl-imap-hostname}optnl-directory-path[]
> folder-collections=
> # List, only needed if nntp-server not set, or news is on a different host
> # than used for NNTP posting. Examples: News *[] or News *{host3/nntp}[]
> # Syntax: optnl-label *{news-host/protocol}[]
> news-collections=
> # List of folder pairs; the first indicates a folder to archive, and the
> # second indicates the folder read messages in the first should
> # be moved to.
> incoming-archive-folders=
> # List of context and folder pairs, delimited by a space, to be offered for
> # pruning each month.  For example: {host1}mail/[] mumble
> pruned-folders=
> # Over-rides default path for sent-mail folder, e.g. =old-mail (using first
> # folder collection dir) or ={host2}sent-mail or ="" (to suppress saving).
> # Default: sent-mail (Unix) or SENTMAIL.MTX (PC) in default folder collection.
> default-fcc=
> # Over-rides default path for saved-msg folder, e.g. =saved-messages (using first
> # folder collection dir) or ={host2}saved-mail or ="" (to suppress saving).
> # Default: saved-messages (Unix) or SAVEMAIL.MTX (PC) in default folder collection.
> default-saved-msg-folder=
> # Over-rides default path for postponed messages folder, e.g. =pm (which uses
> # first folder collection dir) or ={host4}pm (using home dir on host4).
> # Default: postponed-msgs (Unix) or POSTPOND.MTX (PC) in default fldr coltn.
> postponed-folder=
> # If set, specifies where already-read messages will be moved upon quitting.
> read-message-folder=
> # If set, specifies where form letters should be stored.
> form-letter-folder=
> # Over-rides default path for signature file. Default is ~/.signature
> signature-file=
> -------i think this should be enuff-----

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